Create Categorical Map


This functor creates an empty map of classes or categories using the given parameters.


Name Type Description
Lines Positive Integer Value Type Number of lines.
Columns Positive Integer Value Type Number of columns.
Cell Type Cell Type Type Data cell type.
Null Value Null Value Type Null value.
Categories Categorization Type Map categories.
Projection Projection Type Map projection.
Cell Width Real Value Type Cell width.
Cell Height Real Value Type Cell height.
Registration Coordinate Y Real Value Type The registration coordinate Y. The unit used to represent the registration coordinate is based on the projection assigned. Corresponds to Northing or Latitude.
Registration Coordinate X Real Value Type The registration coordinate X. The unit used to represent the registration coordinate is based on the projection assigned. Corresponds to Easting or Longitude.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Registration Cell Y Positive Integer Value Type The line of the registered coordinate. The line 1 is the topmost line. 1
Registration Cell X Positive Integer Value Type The column of the registered coordinate. The column 1 is the leftmost column. 1
Create As Sparse Boolean Value Type If true, this flag forces the map to be created as a sparse raster set. Sparse raster set stores only non-null value cells, minimizing storage memory in detriment of access time. False


Name Type Description
Map Categorical Map Type The output map of classes or categories.



All map cells are initialized with the specified null value.

Internal Name
