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supported_map_formats [2017/05/23 00:06]
hermann [Additional Notes]
supported_map_formats [2024/05/29 18:59] (current)
hermann [GDAL Limitations]
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 | Several file formats do not support the storage of layer names. ​ | Use a [[supported_map_formats#​Virtual Format|VRT file]] or an auxiliary PAM XML file to keep this information. The ERMapper file format also has support to layer names. ​ | | Several file formats do not support the storage of layer names. ​ | Use a [[supported_map_formats#​Virtual Format|VRT file]] or an auxiliary PAM XML file to keep this information. The ERMapper file format also has support to layer names. ​ |
 | @yellow:The categories must start from 0 and their definition must be contiguous. ​ | Unfortunately,​ the only way to workaround this limitation is defining dummy categories (Dinamica EGO does this when representing non-contiguous categories in a GDAL supported format) or using the ERMapper file format. ​ | | @yellow:The categories must start from 0 and their definition must be contiguous. ​ | Unfortunately,​ the only way to workaround this limitation is defining dummy categories (Dinamica EGO does this when representing non-contiguous categories in a GDAL supported format) or using the ERMapper file format. ​ |
-| @yellow:​Some formats do not preserve category colors when a specified number of bits per sample is used.  | Unfortunately,​ the only way to workaround this limitation is using a different format or choosing a number of bits per sample that does not have this limitation for a given format. For example, Geotiff format only stores category colors when the cell type is 8 bits.  | +| @yellow:​Some formats do not preserve category colors when a specified number of bits per sample is used.  | Unfortunately,​ the only way to workaround this limitation is using a different format or choosing a number of bits per sample that does not have this limitation for a given format. For example, Geotiff format only stores category colors when the cell type is 8 bits unsigned.  | 
 | @pink:​Categories represented by negative values are not supported. ​ | Unfortunately,​ there is no way to workaround this limitation, except by avoiding the use of negative categories. ​ | | @pink:​Categories represented by negative values are not supported. ​ | Unfortunately,​ there is no way to workaround this limitation, except by avoiding the use of negative categories. ​ |