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Lookup Table Type

EGO Script


Lookup tables are a sequence of key/value pair enclosed by [ ]. The key/values are represented by real values. Optionally, the first line may define the key/value names.

  "Year" "Transition Rate",
  1991 0.02,
  1993 0.025,
  1997 0.01,
  1999 0.05

The use of comas between elements and key/value pair is optional. The layout can also be changed at will.

[ "Year" "Transition Rate" 1991 0.02 1993 0.025 1997 0.01 1999 0.05 ]

Lookup table with a header

  "Year" "Transition Rate",
  1991 0.02,
  1993 0.025,
  1997 0.01,
  1999 0.05

Lookup table without a header

It is possible to ommit the table header definition. The resulting table uses “Key” and “Value” as the key and value names respectivaly.

  1991 0.02,
  1997 0.01,
  1999 0.05

Lookup table with sequences

Value sequences can be defined using the operator “..”.

  "Year" "Transition Rate",
  1991 0.02,
  1993 0.025,
  1997 0.01 .. 1999 0.05,
  2004 0.02 .. 2010 0.025,