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Load Map


This functor loads a map from a file. The filename and its path must be specified.


Name Type Description
Filename Map Filename Name and path of input map file. File format is automatically selected based on the filename extension. If path is not specified, file location is the same of model script.

Optional Inputs

Name Type Description Default Value
Load As Sparse Bool If true, the map is loaded as a sparse image. Sparse images have the advantage of storing only the cells containing non-null values, but they have worse access time. False
Define Null Value Bool This flag forces the cells with the same value of the “Null Value” parameter to be treated as a null cells. This is particularly useful for assigning a missing null value to a GeoTiff data. False
Null Value Int Value used to represent null cell. The “Define Null Value” flag must be set in order to define a null value. This is particularly useful for assigning a missing null value to a GeoTiff data. 0
Suffix Digits Non Negative Int Number of digits used to represent the image file name suffix. If the “step” input is unbound, this options is ignored. 2
Step Non Negative Int Current step or model iteration. Files with the same name and numbered suffixes will be loaded sequentially according to the model step. None


Name Type Description
Map Map The map loaded by this functor.




Readable formats: ers (ERMapper raster) tiff/tif (GeoTiff) and asc (ArcView ASCII).

Coordinate systems supported for translation in ERMapper format: Geodetic (WGS 84, SAD69, NAD27, Corrego Alegre) and UTM (WGS84, SAD 69, NAD27, Corrego Alegre).

When a coordinate system is not supported, LOCAL projection and datum WGS84 are assumed. For ArcView ASCII, LOCAL projection and datum WGS84 are always assumed.

All Geotiff coordinate systems are supported if translation is not needed.

When GeoTiff cell dimension is not found, a 100 meter resolution is assumed. (FIXME ERMapper?)

It is only possible to load maps represented by 8, 16 or 32 bits per cell. Other cell types are not supported.

Internal Name
