Table of Contents

Spatialize Phylogenetic Tree


This functor predicts the phylogenetic beta-diversity patterns by using environmental predictors. For more details, see: Rosauer, D.F., Ferrier, S., Williams, K.J., Manion, G., Keogh, J.S., Laffan, S.W., 2014. Phylogenetic generalised dissimilarity modelling: a new approach to analysing and predicting spatial turnover in the phylogenetic composition of communities. Ecography (Cop.). 37, 21–32.


Name Type Description
Input Occurences csv file Csv file with species occurences (colunms sp, x, y).
Input Phylogenetic Tree tre file Filogenetic tree in format “.tre”
The Tree has branch lengths Boolean Value Type Choose the tipe of phylogentic tree
Input Mask Map Filename Type The filename of the shape of area of study.
Hexagon Size Real Value Type Define size of hexagons to sampling data
Minimum Number Of Samples Real Value Type Minimum number of samples in hexagon
Predictors Folder Folder with predictors raster files (variables) in geoTif format
Output folder Folder Folder to save outputs.
Use Geographical Distances Boolean Value Type Use geographical distances as predictors
Classify GDM Boolean Value Type Classify areas in GDM by unsupervised classification
Number Of Classes Real Value Type Number of classes in classification
Project In Another Scenario Boolean Value Type Project GDM in another scenario (future or past)
Folder Scenarios Raster Folder Folder with rasters for project in another scenario. The rasters should be named in the same way of predictors.
Weight Samples Boolean Value Type Weight samples by number of samples (for data with sampling bias)


Name Type Description
Explained of Model Real Value Type Percentage of explanation of model
Map Map Type Map of GDM prediction



Internal Name
