Table of Contents

Functor Library

Functor Library Panel

Shows functors and submodels.

Functor Library

The user can search for specific functors and submodels, and iteract with them, viewing their documentation, marking them as favorites etc.

You can drag functor and submodels from the library to the model presentation area to use them in your model.

The functor library is divided into four main tabs:

Tab Description
All Show all functors including system and user submodels. Local submodels are not included in this tab. The functors and submodels are grouped by their corresponding categories (Input/Output, Table, Control etc).
Favorites Show all functors and submodels marked as favorites. The functors and submodels are grouped by their corresponding categories (Input/Output, Table, Control etc).
Submodels Show all system and user submodels. The submodels are grouped by their corresponding categories (Input/Output, Table, Control etc).
Local Submodels Show local submodels from the models currently open. The local submodels are grouped by their corresponding model.

Functor Library Bar

The functor library bar is available when you hover the mouse over a functor or submodel name. Basically, it allows the user to interact with any functor or submodel available at the functor library.

Functor Library Bar

The functor library bar provides additional options for interacting with a functor or submodel. The options available depend on the functor or submodel selected and include flagging a functor or submodel as favorite, viewing the functor documentation, importing the submodel definition etc.