====== What is New in Dinamica EGO 7.4.0 ====== (ChangeLog compared to [[what_is_new_7_3_0|Dinamica EGO 7.3.0]].) ===== Dinamica NUI (Application Graphical User Interface) ===== * Removed mentions and licenses of tools that are no longer used by the application. * Added warning message for submodel submissions without description or documentation link to the store. ===== Dinamica Image Viewer ===== * (None) ===== Dinamica NUI Utils (Graphical User Interface Utilities) ===== * Fixed some analysis warning emitted by Netbeans. ===== Dinamica (Application Core and DLLs) ===== * Definition of facility to control sleeping and waking up of tasks, similarly to how conditional variables work (wait and notify). * Formatting. * Definition of method to explicitly lock again a Lockable, if necessary. * Defined entities Premise/Future to easily transfer values between tasks; Added task cases. * Use string_view to optimize Script content allocation. * Changed notion of port peers to be related to ports themselves instead of using data holders. * Refactoring code related to copy-optimization of data flows between functors: Removed unnecessary functions, unused parameters and use of lambdas; Added test cases. * Fixed compilation warning: removed unused parameter. * Fixed typo. * Updated Descriptable so that the entity can own or not the names and descriptions given to it. * Fixed compilation warnings. * Removed definition of NameOwnedFunctor: - Used the ownership/non-ownership capabilities for name and description provided by Descriptable class; - Adapted HollowFunctor and SubmodelFunctor to NameOwnedFunctor no longer being necessary (that fixes a problem where retrieving functor and port information during destruction will return garbage due to NameOwnedFunctor being destructed before the base Functor). * Refactoring: definition and use of method to calculate progress percentage. * Fixed behavior to optimize the performance when loading maps using only single thread: use of MapIOHandler::readMap(). * Added capability to MapIOHandler to report progress when reading and writing maps; Modified LoadMap, LoadCategoricalMap and SaveMap to use the capability provided by MapIOHandler to report progress when reading and writing maps. * Avoided copying the functions corresponding to CancellationTests when passing them around. * Added test to verify if GeoTiff images storing signed 8-bit integers are read correctly (how signed 8-bit integers are stored by images was changed by GDAL 3.7+). * Added additional test cases for parallel and sequential map loading using MapUtils::loadMap(). * Added test cases demonstrating a crash when running R in parallel loops. * Fixed comment typo. * Temporary fix to improve the response of Calculate R Expression (no longer retrieves error and standard output only after the execution is completed). * Replaced the use of SystemProcess with SystemUtils::runUtility(); Modified runUtility() to allow better control of where the resulting information is logged. * Make the CalculateRExpression output fully compatible with the result of the previous versions. * Changed behavior of SystemProcess to allow retrieving only lines of the standard output/error output that are fully complete; Changed the API to move the incomplete line buffering out of InternalSystemProcess. * Updated version to 7.4.0; Updated codename. * Added warning messages for submodels lacking port documentation. ===== Dinamica (Installer) ===== * Updated version to 7.4.0. ===== Dinamica (R integration) ===== * (None)