/** dff.date = Tue Jan 10 12:47:58 2012 dff.version = metadata.author = Dinamica Team metadata.description = This example shows how to create a raster cube from several individual maps using the "Create Cube Map" operator. metadata.notes = "All maps must use the same projection and have the same number of lines and columns. It is also important to note that all maps will be converted to the same cell type specified in the \"Create Cube Map\" functor. Thus, it is important to choose an output cell type big enough to accommodate all input maps without distorting their representation. =================================== THE INPUT MAPS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS EXAMPLE ===================================" metadata.organization = CSR / UFMG metadata.showproperties = yes metadata.title = Raster Cube metadata.version = 1.0 */ Script {{ vegetationMap := LoadMap "vegetation.tif" .no .no 0 0 .none .none; soilMap := LoadMap "soil.ers" .no .no 0 0 .none .none; distanceToRiverMap := LoadMap "dstance_to_rivers.ers" .no .no 0 0 .none .none; slopeMap := LoadMap "slope.tif" .no .yes -9999 0 .none .none; // The maps must be placed inside the raster cube using the operator "Name and // Number Map". rasterCube := CreateCubeMap .int16 .default {{ NumberAndNameMap vegetationMap "vegetation" 0; NumberAndNameMap slopeMap "slope" 0; NumberAndNameMap soilMap "soil" 0; NumberAndNameMap distanceToRiverMap "river_distance" 0; }}; SaveMap rasterCube "raster_cube.ers" 2 .none .yes .none; }};