====== Allocate Transition ====== ===== Description ===== Performs transition allocation on a landscape map using [[Expander]] and [[Patcher]] according to a transition matrix specifying the net rates, a probability map and other parameters defining patch geometry. ===== Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Lanscape | [[Categorical Map Type]] | The initial landscape map. | | Probabilities | [[Map Type]] | The map defining the probability of occurrence of each transition. | | Transition Matrix | [[Transition Matrix Type]] | The matrix defining the net rate of each transition. | | Percent of Transitions By Expansion | [[Percent Matrix Type]] | This matrix defines the percentage of total transitions performed by expansion of existent patches (using [[Expander]] operator). The complement of this matrix defines the percentage of transitions performed by generation of new patches (using [[Patcher]] operator). | | Patch Expansion Parameters | [[Transition Function Parameter Matrix Type]] | The parameters used to expand existent patches. The parameters are used by Expander operator. | | Patch Generation Parameters | [[Transition Function Parameter Matrix Type]] | The parameters used to generate new patches. These parameters are used by Patcher operator. | ===== Optional Inputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ | Print Transition Info | [[Boolean Value Type Type]] | If true, print allocation info on the application console. This is useful to help identify problems in the transition rates and probability maps. | No | ===== Outputs ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | Resulting Lanscape | [[Categorical Map Type|Categorical Map]] | The resulting landscape map. | ===== Group ===== [[Functor List#Simulation|Simulation]] ===== Notes ===== None. ===== Internal Name ===== AllocateTransitions